A few days ago I read a post about a small community nonprofit organization that was seeking advice on how to get funding. Creating a nonprofit is tough, and figuring out where to find the money needed to operate it can be a challenge. New charities rarely have any ability to demonstrate that they have the where with all...
"If we could change ourselves, the tendencies in the world would also change. As a man changes his own nature, so does the attitude of the world change towards him... We need not wait to see what others do." - Mahatma GandhiNot too long ago I posted the following message on Facebook:Seek respect, not attention; it lasts longer.There is real...
Perhaps you haven't caught the recent news about NPX Advisors. In a world where disruption is now a big yawn because it happens so frequently, the firm has introduced to Wall Street something called "impact securities." Ted Williams and Catarina Schwab said in a Forbes article (news link at the end of this article) about the nonprofit sector,"The nonprofit...
By now, you're steeped in social media, which is an essential ingredient of your digital marketing for your nonprofit. But as with everything in life, you have to get a little deeper into the details.The paramount rule for nonprofit fundraisers is to create and develop relationships with their donors and supporters. As the adage goes, people give to people.So,...
We're soon at the close of another year, and if you're like me, you're keeping your sights focused through the windshield instead of the rearview mirror. The philanthropic sector continues to evolve, as is everything in society because of forces such as wealth, technology, and globalization.When I started my nonprofit more than a decade ago, we were in a...
Leading in the nonprofit sector has its own set of unique challenges. Aside from the need to secure funding, nonprofit leaders need to know how to accept help. They also run team missions on impossible budgets and balance innovation with production to meet organizational goals.With too many pressing priorities, and with the work of nonprofits of vital importance to...
I think it's fair to say that major donor work remains somewhat of a mystery in many nonprofits. They'd like to do major gift fundraising, but they don't know where to begin. What if I were to say that while you're developing your major gift program, why not just go out there and start talking to prospects?Not too long...
There's a famous tech story about Steve Jobs related to innovation.One day he walked up to a developer's desk and he placed a manila envelope on it. Then he said to the developer, "Make me a computer that fits in that."What came out of that moment?The Macbook Air.Your Manila EnvelopeI've often written about Steve Jobs because he was a...
Not too long ago, I read on a social networking platform about a nonprofit candidate who would become the executive director of an organization where the founder would remain. I've written about this in the past, but this particular situation grabbed my interest because of what the board allowed to happen. I thought it was interesting, and a recipe...
Here are a few things to keep in mind for your crowdfunded campaignsDon't be over optimistic- It's easy to get overwhelmed with the level of exposure that the power of internet brings with it. Set realistic goals. Not all your page views will translate to donations. It's all right. Trust your network and empower them to promote your campaign....

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